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主演:Jane Fonda, Kris Kristofferson, Hume Cronyn, Josef Sommer, Bob Gunton, Ron Frazier, Jodi Long, Marvin Chatinover, Ira Wheeler, Ahmed Boulane
類型: 剧情, 悬疑, 爱情, 惊悚
語言: 英語(中文字幕)
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Roll Definition of Roll at ~ Roll definition to move along a surface by revolving or turning over and over as a ball or a wheel See more
Roll Definition of Roll by MerriamWebster ~ Roll definition is a written document that may be rolled up scroll specifically a document containing an official or formal record How to use roll in a sentence
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Roll on Idioms by The Free Dictionary ~ roll on 1 To move continuously forward in a rolling motion on wheels or atop or in something with wheels on it The cart will keep rolling on if you dont block the wheels The ball went flying off her foot and rolled on to the end of the field 2 To continue to make progress in some task or activity You can keep rolling on with what youre doing
Roll in Idioms by The Free Dictionary ~ roll in 1 To arrive somewhere especially casually or late The test had already begun when John rolled in cool as a breeze If we dont hit much traffic Id say well be rolling in around 9 or so 2 To arrive at a steady unstoppable pace The money will be rolling in if we can tap into this market I hear theres a big storm rolling in tomorrow
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Roll out definition of roll out by The Free Dictionary ~ roll rōl v rolled roll·ing rolls 1 To move forward along a surface by revolving on an axis or by repeatedly turning over 2 To travel or be moved on wheels or rollers rolled down the sidewalk on their scooters 3 To travel around wander roll from town to town 4 a To travel or be carried in a vehicle b To be carried on a stream
Ship motions Wikipedia ~ The verticalZ axis or yaw axis is an imaginary line running vertically through the ship and through its centre of gravityA yaw motion is a sideto side movement of the bow and stern of the ship The transverseY axis lateral axis or pitch axis is an imaginary line running horizontally across the ship and through the centre of gravity A pitch motion is an upordown movement of the bow
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Rollover -完整版小鴨 HD
Rollover 裸監督線上看(1981)
Rollover 裸監督台灣上映 1981
Rollover 裸監督(1981) 線上看
Rollover 裸監督線上(1981 HD)
Rollover 裸監督1981 完整版本
Rollover 裸監督1981 線上 完整版
Rollover -完整版 小鴨 1981
Rollover 裸監督免費在線觀看(1981)
Rollover 裸監督[1981] 線上完整版